Trinamool Congress has written to Chief Electoral office in West Bengal seeking, “immediate re-counting of votes in Nandigram AC 210 and postal ballots.” West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee contested the state assembly election from Nandigram against her protégé Suvendu Adhikari. According to Election Commission, he is leading and the final result is yet to be declared.
Demanding re-counting, TMC said certain “illegal incidents have happened today while counting of votes in the constituency,” adding the counting process was stalled several times and it was not reported by the EC.
The Election Commission has rejected TMC’s request.
The election for the 294-West Bengal Assembly was held in eight phases from March 27 to April 29. The counting of the votes is still underway but TMC is leading on over 200 seats. Mamata Banerjee thanked people of the state for giving her the chance to govern the state for the third time.