Ahead of the upcoming West Bengal assembly polls, Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Tejashwi Yadav met Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee on Monday. The meeting took place amid speculation of a political tie-up between the political parties. While Yadav said it’s his first priority to stop the BJP from coming to power in the state, Banerjee said she is in support of RJD.
Also read: Why Mamata Banerjee can’t ignore the BJP challenge in West Bengal
“It is Lalu Ji’s decision to provide full support to Mamata Ji. Our first priority is to stop BJP from coming to power in Bengal,” Yadav told ANI.
“The biggest thing is support to courage, Tejashwi bhai is fighting, so we are fighting and vice versa,” Banerjee told the media.
Yadav, who led the RJD in its fight against the NDA in the Bihar elections, went to West Bengal secretariat Nabanna to meet Banerjee.
Senior TMC leader and Urban Development Minister Firhad Hakim also joined the meeting.
Elections for the West Bengal assembly will be held in eight phases beginning with polling for 30 seats on March 27.