Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief and current Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee is contesting from the Nandigram assembly constituency. Mamata is facing Suvendu Adhikari. Nandigram, an assembly seat in West Bengal, lies in the southern region of the state in the district Purba Medinipur. The seat could be categorised as a rural constituency.
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Among the 822 constituencies that went to the polls, 302 constituencies, including Nandigram had an election turnout of 80% in the last three assembly elections. Other among the 302 constituencies, 36 were in Assam, six in Kerala, 38 in Tamil Nadu and 19 in Puducherry.
In the 2016 assembly elections, Suvendu of TMC, currently contesting for BJP, won the seat by defeating Abdul Kabir Sekh of CPI.
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