Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a surprise visit on Friday to a forward post in Ladakh, the arena of the simmering conflict between India and China. Twenty Indian soldiers were martyred in Galwan Valley in June in a violent face-off with China. The Prime Minister interacted with troops and saluted the courage of brave soldiers. His visit sends a powerful message against Chinese aggression at the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Army Chief MM Naravane and Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat also accompanied the PM.
Here are a few quotes from PM Modi’s address to the soldiers:
1. Your bravery has shown the world what India’s
power is. The bravery that you and your compatriots
showed, a message has gone to the world about India’s strength.
2. Your courage is higher than the heights where
you are posted today.
3. The world has given up Vistaarvaad
(expansionism). This has destroyed the world. Expansionist forces have often
had to move away. This is the age of Vikaswaad (Development).
4. The resolve to be Atmanirbhar was stronger
because of your sacrifice and courage.
5. The conditions in which you all deliver your
best are among the toughest in the world, and you have proven time and again
that the Indian armed force is mightier and better than everyone else in the
6. India has always worked for the betterment of
humanity and world has seen the victory of our braves and their efforts towards
7. I want to salute you all and all the soldiers
who sacrificed their lives for Bharat Mata. Every corner, every stone, every
river and every pebble here in Ladakh knows it is an integral part of India.