Malayalam actor Sreenath Bhasi was detained by the Kerala Police on Monday after being accused of insulting a woman anchor, while promoting his most recent movie, Chattambi. Sreenath lost his composure during an interview on a YouTube channel when the female anchor asked a question. He sounded irritated and said the F word. He allegedly misbehaved with the staff after the cameras were switched off, according to other allegations. But Sreenath has refuted every accusation.
Based on a complaint they had received from the YouTube channel that had broadcast the contentious interview with Sreenath, the police opened a case. The police have also requested the interview video and the CCTV footage of the incident. The police then asked Sreenath Bhasi to appear before them on Monday. The actor eventually arrived at the police station and was detained.
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Who is Sreenath Bhasi?
Sreenath Bhasi is an Indian actor and singer, who primarily appears in Malayalam movies. Indian actor and singer Sreenath Bhasi appears in Malayalam movies. He began working for Red FM 93.5 as a radio jockey. He held a job as a video jockey simultaneously. He became well-known because of the movie Da Thadiya. Since then, he has been in over 30 films.
On May 29, 1988, Sreenath Bhasi was born in Pallurthy, Kochi, Kerala. He attended Chinmaya Vidyapeet in Kerala, before enrolling in B.Com at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.
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The 35-year-old began his career hosting a call-in programme for Kiran TV. Later, he worked as a radio host for RED FM 93.5. He also began working as a video jockey at the same time.
In 2011 he made his acting debut as Arun in the Malayalam film Pranayam. The next year, he appeared in the Malayalam films Arike (2011), Ustad Hotel (2012). His breakthrough film was Da Thadiyain in 2012, where he received praise for his performance as Sunny Jose Prakash. Since, then he has appeared in films like Honey Bee (2013), and the Third World Boys (2015).
He started his singing career in 2012 with the song ‘Oh, My Panchasara’ from the film ‘Da Thadiya’. Subsequently, he lent his voice from the songs ‘Thaanaro’ from the film ‘North 24 Kaatham’, ‘Pakalin Vathil’ from the film ‘Parava’, ‘Nee’ from the film ‘Varathan’ and ‘Mathayichan’ from the film ‘Trance’.
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The hit film Da Thadiya also marked Bhasi’s career as a singer, where he debuted with the song Oh, My Panchasara. Since then, he has contributed his vocals to the songs Thaanaro from North 24 Kaatham (2013), Nee from Varathan (2018), Mathayichan from Trance (2020), and many more.
Bhasi also has a brother named Sreekanth Bhasi, who is a musician. Bhasi got married to his long time girlfriend, Reethu Zachariah, on December 10, 2016 after dating her for almost 3 years. They daughter named Divya. He was a also member of the Christian alternative metal group Crimson Wood. Currently, he is the vocalist for a Kerala-based experimental djent band.