A man identified as Sunny Mehta has been arrested in connection with the Chandigarh University leaked video case, after Punjab Police took a female student of the university into custody for allegedly recording objectionable videos of other hostellers.
Punjab Police had earlier said that the man was known to the accused woman student, adding, “Only after he is caught, will more details be known. Forensic probe of her mobile phone will be conducted”, as per ANI.
Who is Sunny Mehta?
Sunny Mehta is a 23-year-old resident of Rohru, Shimla. He was born and raised there, and the Himachal Police detained him after obtaining his personal information.
Punjab Police reached Rohru police station and took Mehta into custody.
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“Chandigarh University Case. Punjab Police reached PS Rohru in Shimla. The accused Sunny Mehta has been handed over to them. Zero tolerance to crime against women. If any collateral evidence comes our way, we will take action as per law”, the DGP of Himachal Pradesh said as per ANI.
Chief Minister of the state, Jairam Thakur, also commented on the situation saying “I have ordered police officials to work with the Punjab Police. The child who made the videos popular, based on the information we have, is from Himachal. There will be legal action against him”, ANI reported.
The woman who’s been arrested is also from Rohru.
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Thus far, the university pro-chancellor RS Bawa said that they didn’t find any objectionable video of other girl’s on the student’s phone, except for a personal video shot by her, which she’d shared with her boyfriend.
With Mehta in custody, some on the internet are demanding punishment for both – irrespective of gender.
Punjab School Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains, in a Twitter post, urged the students of CU to remain calm, saying, “No one guilty will be spared. It is a very sensitive matter and relates to the dignity of our sisters and daughters”.