The Delhi Police on Sunday arrested wrestler Sushil Kumar, reported ANI quoting Neeraj Thakur, Special CP-Special Cell. A non-bailable warrant was issued against Sushil Kumar and others in case relating to the killing of 23-year-old Sagar Dhankad at Chhatrasal Stadium. The 37-year-old has been on the run for the last two weeks.
According to ANI, a team of Special Cell SR led by Inspector Shivkumar, Inspector Karambir and supervised by ACP Attar Singh arrested Sushil Kumar and Ajay from Mundka area of Delhi.
Also read: All about Sushil Kumar, the Olympic silver medalist who is on the run
On May 5, former junior national champion Sagar Dhankad was beaten to death at New Delhi’s Chhatrasal Stadium in a clash between rival wrestlers and Kumar was present at the spot.
Also read: Lookout notice for wrestler Sushil Kumar: All you need to know about the case
Earlier this week, Delhi Police had also announced a reward of Rs 1 lakh to anyone with information on the wrestler.
Sushil Kumar had won the bronze medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the silver at the 2012 London Olympic Games in 66 kg category.