Media tycoon
and former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg has pledged over $100 million in
support of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s election campaign in
Florida, seeking to counter President Donald Trump’s infusion of personal cash and
land a decisive blow in his re-election hopes.

According to
The Guardian, Bloomberg, whose net worth reportedly exceeds Trump’s by around
17 times, had spent around $1 billion on his failed bid to be nominated as the
Democratic presidential candidate.

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however, has been rattled by the spending. Campaigning in Nevada, he gave a typical response to Bloomberg’s intervention
in Florida.

“I thought
Mini Mike was through with Democrat politics after spending almost $2bn,” Trump
tweeted. He also used a racist remark for Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth
Warren, who attacked Bloomberg during the debate, calling her “Pocahontas”.

starts on 24 September in Florida so the need to inject real capital in that
state quickly is an urgent need. Mike believes that by investing in Florida it
will allow campaign resources and other Democratic resources to be used in
other states, in particular Pennsylvania,” Bloomberg’s adviser Kevin Sheekey told
the Washington Post.

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offers 29 electoral college votes, which are vital in the presidential race,
with no Republican winning the elections without it since 1924.

The last
two-term Republican president, George W Bush won in Florida in 2000 against Al Gore
following multiple recounts and the intervention of the Supreme Court.

Bloomberg is
encouraging early voting despite Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that it is
vulnerable to frauds, fearing that any uncertainty over the result on election
day may be used by the president to hold on to power.

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A former
Republican and independent, Bloomberg endorsed Biden while speaking at the
Democratic National Convention. He has also dipped into his personal funds to
back groups such as Everytown for Gun Safety, Fair Fight and Swing Left.