Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is all set to be working as the brand ambassador of Uttarakhand ahead of the Assembly polls in the Himalayan state. Days before Uttarakhand Assembly elections 2022, Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami met Akshay Kumar and said that the state government had approached him with a proposal, which the latter has accepted.
News agency ANI said, “We had given him (Akshay Kumar) a proposal, he has accepted it. He will also work as a brand ambassador of Uttarakhand.” Akshay Kumar met Pushkar Singh Dhami at his residence in Dehradun on Monday morning.
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The BJP is eying to come back to power in the 70-seater Uttarakhand Assembly.
Earlier, Dhami shared a video of wrestler Babita Phogat, supporting the BJP government in the state. “I thank India’s talented sportsman, youth icon and Dangal girl Babita Phogat for the affection and endorsement (of the BJP government),” he said in a tweet.
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On Sunday, BJP chief JP Nadda attended a door-to-door campaign in Uttarakhand urging voters to vote for the party in Uttarakhand elections 2022.
“Addressed a public meeting in Gangotri, Uttarakhand. The report card of the work done by the BJP government for the empowerment of the poor, oppressed, underprivileged, downtrodden, and women in Uttarakhand is in front of you. The enthusiasm of the people here is telling that all of you have made up your mind to give your full blessings to the BJP,” Nadda said in a tweet.
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Uttarakhand is all set to go to polls on February 14. The results for Uttarakhand Assembly elections will be announced on March 10.