On Thursday, Gabriel Noronha, a US State Department employee was fired from his position after tweeting about President Trump’s involvement in the US Capitol violence, reported CNN.
Noronha tweeted that Trump was unfit for the office and has a part to play in the violent demonstrations in Washington.
Except for Noronha, none of the other state department officials have named and blamed Trump in their condemnation and did not get fired. However, a few officials from the administration have already resigned from their positions following the violence.
Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, also condemned the attack on the US Capitol and called the invaders of the US Capitol “criminals who should be brought to justice”. The Secretary, however, did not mention the outgoing President by name, reported CNN.
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A letter from the State Department liaison to the White House notified Noronha about the termination of employment, without a specific reason, reported CNN.
It is still unclear who ordered the termination of his employment from the White House.