The Delhi High Court on Thursday stayed the 4-year jail term awarded to ex-Samata Party president Jaya Jaitly in a corruption case related to a purported defence deal, her lawyer said.

Justice Suresh Kumar Kait also sought the CBI response on Jaitly’s appeal challenging her conviction and sentence, advocate Abhijat said.

Jaya Jaitly, Former Samata Party president, and two others were awarded a four-year jail term by a Delhi court for corruption in a 2000-01 case related to a purported defence deal, according to a lawyer. The court has also imposed a fine of Rs 1 lakh on Jaitley along with former party colleague Gopal Pacherwal and Major General (rtd) SP Murgai.

The case stemmed from ‘Operation Westend’ sting aired by news portal Tehelka in January 2001.

Jaitly, represented through senior advocates Mukul Rohatgi and P P Malhotra, challenged the July 21 order of the trial court convicting her in the case.

Jaitly and two others were held guilty of corruption in a 2000-01 case related to a purported defence deal, the lawyer said.

They were sentenced to 4-year imprisonment on Thursday by the trial court which has directed them to surrender by 5 pm.