RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav on Thursday said that the Election Commission of India’s result was in the favour of NDA. On late Wednesday night, in the results of nail-biter Bihar elections, Nitish Kumar-led NDA emerged winner while RJD became the single largest party in the state. However, Yadav-led Mahagathbandhan failed to dislodge the JD(U)-BJP government in the state.
“This hasn’t happened the first time. In 2015, when Mahagathbandhan was formed, votes were in our favour but BJP made back door entry to gain power,” Yadav said, ANI reported.
“The mandate was in our favour,” the 31-year-old said and demanded a recount of postal ballots in all those assembly seats, where ‘these were counted at the end and not in the beginning.’
Casting doubt on the EC, he alleged, “We lost 20 seats by a wafer-thin margin. In many constituencies, as many as 900 postal ballots were invalidated.”
He added, “We got the support of the people but NDA achieved poll victory through dhan, chhal and bal (money, muscle and deceipt).
The BJP clinched 74 seats while the JD(U) managed to get 43 seats; the RJD won 75 seats.
Taking a jibe at the Bihar CM, Yadav said, “Nitish Kumar’s JD(U) has been relegated to the third position. If he has any conscience left, he must give up his attachment to the Chief Minister’s chair.”
The JD(U) has dropped to 43 from 71 seats that it manged to win in 2015 Bihar Assembly elections.