In a historic moment, after 21 years since India’s last win in the pageant, Harnaaz Sandhu has been titled Miss Universe 2021. The 21-year-old was crowned by former Miss Universe 2020, Andrea Meza from Mexico. The first runner up is Paraguay’s Nadia Ferreira, while the 2nd Runner-Up is South Africa’s Lalela Mswane.
Steve Harvey returned to host this year’s event, which was broadcast live on Fox and Telemundo from the Universe Arena at the Port of Eilat in Eilat, Israel, after a brief absence.
This year’s pageant had eighty candidates, including the first-ever entry from the Kingdom of Bahrain.
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The final three contestants — Mswane (South Africa), Sandhu (India) and Ferreira (Paraguay) were given the same question to answer: What advice would you give to young women watching on how to deal with the pressures they face today? Mswane encouraged them to “seize courage over comfort” whenever possible, Sandhu stated that the biggest issue facing today’s youth is a lack of self-confidence and individuality, and Ferreira urged everyone to “join forces to do what you’re meant to do”.
Harnaaz Sandhu, before being titled Miss Diva Universe 2021, won the title for Miss Max Emerging Star India in 2018 and later became Femina Miss India Punjab 2019. Harnaaz sees former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen and Lara Dutta as inspirations as they have represented India beautifully on this platform.
“Their aura and dedication reflect in the work they have doing. I also see Adlene Casteleno as my inspiration as she has brought glory back to India after so many years and I am headstrong to carry forward that legacy,” she said.
The 21-year-old winner is presently focusing on a master’s degree in public administration and enjoys acting, dancing, swimming, and horseback riding. She describes herself as a quick learner, adaptable, caring, and confident individual that pursues her passion with a determined approach.