Netflix on Sunday launched the first trailer of its upcoming musical Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey. The musical film has been written and directed by David E. Talbert.
The trailer of the movie was released on Youtube and depicts a musical adventure.
The movie is set in the fictional town of Cobbleton and follows the journey of renowned toymaker Jeronicus Jangle. Jangle’s role has been played Academy Award-winning actor Forest Whitaker. Jangle’s fanciful inventions are a manifestation of his whimsy and wonder.
The story narrates how Jangle’s trusted apprentice, played by renowned actor Keegan Michael Key steals his most prized creation. Jangle’s grand-daughter played by Madalen Mill then sets out to heal old wounds and reawaken the magic within.
The movie reminds viewers of the strength of family and the power of possibility.
The movie stars Forest Whitaker, Keegan Michael Key, Madalen Mills and is produced by John Legend, Mike Jackson and Kristen Burr.
The movie also features original tracks by John Legend, Philip Lawrence, Davy Nathan, Usher and Kiana Lede.
The movie will release on Netflix on November 13.