Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan on Monday took to social media to praise the positive spirit of Assam-based ENT surgeon Dr Arup Senapati, whose video has recently gone viral in which he is entertaining COVID-19 patients with a dance performance on the popular song ‘Ghungroo’.
“Tell Dr Arup I’m gonna learn his steps and dance as good as him someday in Assam. Terrific spirit,” Roshan wrote on Twitter retweeting the video.
The over one-minute-long clip of Senapati from Silchar Medical College, dancing on the song from ‘War’, the 2019 action-packed film starring Roshan, was shared by his colleague Dr Syed Faizan Ahmad on Twitter on Sunday evening.
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“Meet my #COVID duty colleague Dr Arup Senapati an ENT surgeon at Silchar medical college Assam. Dancing in front of COVID patients to make them feel happy. #COVID19 #Assam,” Ahmad wrote sharing the video.
The video has till now garnered more than 815,000 views with nearly 50,000 over 9,400 retweets.
On the film front, the 46-year-old actor is looking forward to work on the fourth instalment of his superhero franchise ‘Krrish’.