As per a report by the United Nations, one in every 130 females globally is living in modern slavery, including practices such as debt-bondage, forced marriage and domestic servitude.

The report titled ‘Stacked Odds’ has some eye-opening numbers that largely covers the gender issue of ‘modern slavery’ and states that this imbalance is exacerbated by gender inequality and discrimination.

According to the report, 99% of all the victims of forced sexual exploitation are women. Additionally, females also account for 84% of all victims of forced marriage, 58% of all victims of forced labour and 41% of all state-imposed forced labour.

It further states that females have outnumbered males as victims of modern slavery in four of the five world regions. They account for 73% of victims in Asia and the Pacific, 71% in Africa, 67% in Europe and Central Asia, and 63 % in America.

“At its core, the fight against modern slavery is about ensuring people have the most basic of human rights – freedom,” it adds.

The report, suggesting six points for the action plan, aims to urge governments, faith leaders, and the business sector to work with international and government organizations to achieve the goal of gender equality.

This detailed record has been combined with observations, data and studies conducted by Walk Free (privately funded international human rights organization), the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).