While the southern state of Texas faces a climate-related disaster, the people of America found the heat they have missing for the past few days in trolling Ted Cruz, a Texas senator.
Cruz, who has served as a senator of the lone star state since 2013, flew to Cancun, Mexico while his state continues to face a never-seen-before cold snap and has faced the music for his recent actions.
Also Read: Senator Ted Cruz jets flies to Mexico as winter storm hits Texas
See what people had to say about the US lawmaker skipping town:
The evergreen parallel between US politics and the famous animated series Simpsons was drawn yet again by genius memers.
On the other hand, some connected the Senator’s spontaneous vacation to a few iconic snippets from Hollywood movies like Jurrasic Park and Titanic.
Even though the country is facing an unexpected disaster that has severely impacted the lives of Americans, netizens have evidently kept their spirits up by expressing their concerns in a manner that is funny yet effective.