Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has turned a real life hero ever since India went under a lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From arranging buses for stranded migrant workers, to arranging planes for those who were stuck abroad– Sonu has done it all and safely returned thousands of people to their homes. 

The ‘Dabbang’ actor is quite active on Twitter and has helped many who reached out to him via the social media platform. In a recent scenario, Sonu has come forward to help a man who sold his cow to buy a smartphone so that his children could take online classes.

“Let’s get this guy’s cows back. Can someone send his details please,” he wrote on Twitter, sharing a photo of a newspaper headline where the incident is mentioned.

The headline and the first few lines of the article suggests that the man, who has two children, sold the cows for only Rs 6,000. The cow was his only source of income.

The 47-year-old actor also tried to reach the journalist who reported this story in a separate tweet, and sought details about the man.

The actor’s deeds have made him popular across masses in India. Recently, he launched an app to help migrants who have been looking for jobs.