The Delhi government on Wednesday issued guidelines for conducting annual assessments to the schools run and aided by the Delhi government. It ruled out the possibility of offline exams. Students from KG to class 8, will be assessed based on their assignments, projects, and their responses to online teaching.
The Director of Education informed that all students from Nursery to class 2 will be promoted to the next level in the academic session. Students belonging to KG to II will be evaluated based on the grades that they received on their assignments and their responses to online teaching. For students from class 3 to class 8, pen and paper exams will be replaced by subject-wise assignments and projects.
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According to the guidelines, students from 3 to 5 will be given 30-marks for their performance on worksheets, 30-marks for assignments during winter breaks, and 40-marks for the project that they will be given in March. For class 6 to 8, 20-marks will be given for performance on worksheets, 30 for assignments submitted after winter breaks, and 50 for the upcoming assignments and projects that they will be submitting, PTI reported.
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The pen and paper exam is substituted by the new alternative online mode. Students who will not be able to access digital modes will write their answers on hard copy that their parents can submit in the school, later, following all the COVID guidelines.