TV actor Nisha Rawal, who is in the middle of a dispute with actor husband Karan Mehra, threw a birthday party for son Kavish Mehra. However, Karan Mehra, his father was missing from the birthday party.

Rohit Verma, the fashion designer, who attended the birthday party shared some of the pictures and videos. In the video, Kavish is seen cutting the cake and the theme of the party was space.

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Earlier, TV actor Karan Mehra shared a birthday post on Instagram for his son Kavish on his fourth birthday. He shared a picture of a birthday cake along with gifts and a birthday note for his son.



Actor Nisha Rawal and Karan Mehra are in the middle of a legal battle. Earlier this month,  Nisha Rawal filed a police complaint against actor husband Karan Mehra for domestic abuse. The couple publicly slammed each other with accusations and are now looking to file a divorce.

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