The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Sunday ruled out an attack on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee following an incident that allegedly injured her during her campaign in Nandigram on Wednesday, reported PTI quoting sources. The commission’s decision is based on a report by poll observers and the state government.
Also read: How did alleged attack on Mamata take place despite Z+ security? BJP demands probe
“Injuries sustained by West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee, not due to an attack,” EC sources told PTI.
“Injuries sustained by West Bengal CM result of lapse on part of security personnel in charge of Mamata Banerjee,” they added.
The report mentioned that there was no clear footage available of the spot where the incident took place from anywhere in the vicinity. There was no mention of “four-five men” in the report, who allegedly pushed Banerjee, according to her statement.
After getting hospitalised, Banerjee on Wednesday described the incident to have occurred when she was standing against her car and was suddenly pushed against it, noting that she had sustained injuries in her hand, leg and ligament.
Meanwhile, the wheelchair-bound chief minister was conducting a roadshow in Kolkata on Sunday ahead of the West Bengal Assembly polls, polling for which will begin on March 27.