While the whole world was busy congratulating Indian bowler Jasprit Bumrah and sports anchor Sanjana Ganesan, who recently got married in a private ceremony in Goa (See Photos), Indian cricketer Mayank Agarwal is getting trolled on Twitter. Mayank, following suit of his colleagues, took to Twitter on Monday to congratulate the newly-wed couple, however, he tagged Indian cricketer Sanjay Bangar instead of Sanjana Ganesan.
Mayank has now deleted the wrong tweet, however, netizens did not miss a chance to capture his mistake and start a meme fest.
Also Read | Who is Jasprit Bumrah’s wife, Sanjana Ganesan? Know all about her
Twitter users were quick to notice the now-deleted tweet, and responded to Mayank’s ‘typo’ with memes. While one user wrote, “Mayank Agarwal is having a bad season!” another made photoshopped Sanjay Bangar’s face on Sanjana’s.
See some of the hilarious replies here:
Earlier in the day, Jasprit and Sanjana announced their wedding on their social media handles, as they shared photos and wrote: “Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. Steered by love, we have begun a new journey together. Today is one of the happiest days of our lives and we feel blessed to be able to share the news of our wedding and our joy with you. Jasprit & Sanjana.”
From Mumbai Indians quirky wish to ICC’s and BCCI’s congratulations, most people of the sports fraternity wished the couple.