The United Kingdom will host the United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, from October 31 to November 12 in Glasgow. The conference holds great significance as it comes at a time when most countries are vigilant about their carbon footprints and could lead to some major changes in our lives.
As most major economies including United States, China, India, EU are committed to taking significant steps to combat climate change issues, here is all you need to know about the event that will serve as a crucial step in
What is COP26 meet?
COP26 is the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2021. It is being organised for the 26th time this year. The meet is scheduled to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, between October 31 and November 12 under the presidency of the United Kingdom.
200 countries are likely to participate and share their plans to cut carbon emissions by 2030.
Why is COP26 important?
The conference will mark countries’ collective agreement and blueprint to cut carbon emissions and to address the issues of extreme weather events linked to climate change, including heatwaves, floods and forest fires.
Around 200 countries are expected to participate in the meet to discuss their plans to reduce carbon emissions. Such collective discussions on an international forum will give the world leaders creative ideas to work on their carbon footprints.
Since most countries will set out their plans to reduce emissions before the summit starts, we will get a sense of whether or not we are on a right track.
What will be the key discussions?
End of fossil fuels
A number of environmental campaigners and activists will be there to mark their protest against the usage of fossil fuels, so this is likely to be a ley discussion in the meet
Climate budget
Since most countries will put forward their carbon footprint plan, it is likely to expect huge discussions on money and climate. It could mean more solar panels in countries like India that depend on energy from coal and flood defence systems.