Every year Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated by the Hindus on the third lunar day of Shukla Paksha of the Indian month of Vaisakha. In Sanskrit, the word Akshaya means %u2018Eternal%u2019 and Tritiya means %u2018Third%u2019. This year, Akshaya Tritiya will be celebrated on Friday, May 14.
As per the mythological tales, the day marks the birth of Lord Parshuram. It is also believed that on this day Lord Ganesha started writing the great epic Mahabharata, which was being recited by Ved Vyas. Along with this, there are other stories linked to Akshaya Tritiya. It is believed that on this day Goddess Annapurna was born.
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Akshaya Tritiya marked the beginning of Treta Yuga (the age of three). It is said that on this day the Sun and the Moon are at their best planetary position. It is an auspicious day that brings never ending happiness, prosperity and success. People buy gold on Akshaya Tritiya and believe that it brings more wealth and prosperity in the future. As per the Hindu astrology, there is no specific muhurat to perform any rituals as the day is free from bad effects.
Akshaya Tritiya Date and Time
Starting of Tritiya: May 14, 2021 at 4:08 am
Ending of Tritiya: May 15, 2015 at 6:29 am
Puja Muhurat: 6:17am to 12:15 pm