Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Friday apprised the media on preparations done for the arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who’ll inaugurate the strategic Atal Tunnel on Saturday.

“We’ve made all preparations,” Thakur told ANI, adding that Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will reach the state on Friday while Modi will arrive on Saturday. 

“It’s a moment of joy for the people of Himachal Pradesh. This is a historical moment,” Thakur said.

The PM will inaugurate the 9.02 km-long Atal Tunnel at Rohtang Pass on Saturday. The tunnel connects Manali to Lahaul-Spiti valley throughout the year. Currently, the valley is cut-off for about six months every year due to heavy snowfall.

Giving further information on the event, the CM said 200 people will be present at the event.

“PM is sending out a message that how close Himachal Pradesh is, to his heart,” he said, as the PM would inaugurate a project in-person for the first time in seven months. 

Commenting on the tunnel’s strategic importance, Thakur said, “The tunnel holds great significance in the light of situation with neighbouring countries.”

The tunnel reduces the distance between Manali and Leh by 46 km and the travel time by four to five hours. It is particularly important in light of the current India-China border row in Eastern Ladakh.