West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking his help to procure COVID-19 vaccines for the state, reported ANI. She sought his help over vaccines in order to innoculate everyone in the state for free.
In her letter, Banerjee highlighted that election in the state is around the corner, due to which “people in general will be forced to go to the polling stations without any vaccination coverage.”
“It is equally important to reach out to them with a rapid vaccination programme immediately for interest of health and well-being of all concerned with the election process,” she wrote.
“Under such circumstances, Government of West Bengal has decided to procure adequate number of vaccines for members of public at large,” Banerjee wrote and asked the PM to take up the matter with appropriate authority so that the state government would be able to purchase vaccines on a priority basis.
Although the Election Commission hasn’t announced the schedule for the West Bengal Assembly polls, they’re awaited in April-May.
Meanwhile, cases of COVID-19 have surged across several states.
Also read: ‘Dangabaaz’, Donald Trump and ‘gundas’ in Mamata Banerjee’s attack on BJP, Modi
The Centre has deputed high-level multi-disciplinary teams to nine states, including West Bengal, to support them in public health measures for targeted COVID response and management.