Omicron has started replacing the Delta variant in India, as per ANI reports. The country witnessed the highest number of recorded omicron cases in India today, with a single-day tally of 309 cases. Currently, the total number of omicron detections in the country is 1,270 as per the Union Health ministry.
India has also recorded 16,764 new COVID-19 cases and another 220 fatalities due to coronavirus. Out of the total number of individuals who’ve contracted the omicron variant, 374 have migrated or recuperated already, as per data reflected at the time of writing.
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Among the states and Union Territories that have reported omicron cases, Maharashtra has the highest number of infections, with 450 cases. Delhi has 320, while Kerala and Gujarat have reported 109 and 97 cases respectively.
Bihar also reported its first omicron case today, as a man in Patna tested positive. He’d travelled to Delhi to meet a friend, recently returned from abroad.
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Since the omicron variant has so far shown stability in terms of being highly transmissible, but having low virulence, most are of the opinion that the new, milder variant may be safer for the world. As for India’s current development, studies from Cambridge University had already predicted a third, possibly short-lived wave. With rates of infection in urban areas growing, Prime Minister Narendra Modi already has some measures in place.
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As per his announcements, India is looking to vaccinate those between 15 and 18, which will start from early January 2022. At the same time, precautionary doses have been okayed for frontline workers and those above 60.
Every state has also imposed measures to curb the spread. Mumbai has imposed Section 144 up to January 15, urging people to avoid crowding beaches and other public spots. Meanwhile, Delhi has a colour coded alert system in place and is currently at the Yellow level.