Shah Rukh Khan’s son was arrested on Sunday after the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) allegedly found drugs with him. He was at a rave party on a cruise ship off the coast of Mumbai when the NCB conducted a raid.

The latest development in the case is that Aryan has been taken to JJ hospital in Mumbai for his check-up where blood tests would be conducted to check if there was any consumption of drugs, Republic TV reported.

This is one of the procedures that needs to be followed before an accused in a drug case is presented to the court. This incident is also similar to the Rhea Chakraborty drug case.

Also read: NCB DG SN Pradhan says that drugs on cruise case has Bollywood connection

As per the NCB, three persons have been booked under Section 8C, 20b, 27 (Punishment for consumption of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance) and 35 (Presumption of culpable mental state) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS Act).

Aryan is the eldest child of Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri Khan. 

The central agency has reportedly seized drugs such as cocaine, LSD, hashish and MD from those present on board the ship.

NCB has registered an FIR in connection with the drugs party, news agency PTI quoted an official as saying.

Based on a tip-off, an NCB team, led by its zonal director Sameer Wankhede, had raided the Goa-bound Cordelia cruise ship on Saturday evening and recovered drugs from some of the passengers, the official said.