The iconic American sitcom ‘Friends’ cast, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer, Matthew Perry, Jennifer Aniston and Matt LeBlanc reunited on Stage 24 in Warner Bros. Studios, New York Street, were taken back to the days of the show with recreated sets from the sitcom. They were made to visualise how their characters would be today.
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The bunch made to the cover of ‘People’ a few days ago and told CNN what they thought of their characters and what would each one of them be doing today.
Aniston, who played Rachael Green on the show, said, “I would like to have maybe started a clothing line of my own, and it’s sort of a small franchise. Like a Nili Lotan. And I live in New York City on the Upper East Side”.
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Cox, who played Monica Geller, said, “I always just feel like Monica would be doing something competitively with other mothers and trying to outdo them. Whether it’s the bake sale at school or something. I mean, she’d be so annoying. She’d be at the head of the PTA or something.
Kudrow felt that the character she played, Phoebe Buffay, would be living with her husband, Mike, and their kids in Connecticut. She added, “She’s (Phoebe) in charge of the arts program for the school. And just … the advocate for her kids because they’re different like she was”.
Perry thought that Chandler Bing would be a wonderful father and a wonderful comedy writer. And LeBlanc thought that Joey Tribbiani would have “opened a chain of sandwich shop…And eaten all the sandwiches”. Schwimmer said that Ross Geller would be “playing with the bones” and would have invested in Joey’s sandwich shop, and lost a lot of his savings for his kids, reported CNN.
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The most-awaited reunion episode will premiere on May 27 and it will be an unscripted show where the cast will be chatting with host James Corden.
Aniston said, “getting back together was like a family. I don’t have sisters. It’s what I assume sisters are like”. When the show ended in 2004, Schwimmer told that he took a “Professor Geller” placard from his paleontologist character’s office whereas Lisa took Pheobe’s rings as a memento and her security badge from the studio where the series was filmed.
‘FRIENDS’, one of the most popular TV shows of the 1990s, has an unmatched fan base.