Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said that the COVID-19 unlock process will begin from Monday. The lockdown will last till Monday 5am.
Construction activities and factories will be reopened from Monday, keeping the daily wage workers in mind, said Kejriwal.
Addressing a press briefing, Kejriwal told that the COVID positivity rate in Delhi has come down to 1.5% and around 1,100 cases have been reported in the last 24 hours.
Also Read: India records 1.86 lakh new COVID-19 cases, lowest in 44 days
Delhi imposed lockdown on April 16 to stop the spread of deadly virus. It was later extended amid rising cases and deaths in the national capital due to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, Officers/officials of Government of India, its autonomous/subordinate offices, and Pais Doctors, nurses and paramedical staff, Judicial officers/officials/staff members of all courts of Delhi, Pregnant women or patients going for medical aid along with attendant, those going for testing/vaccination, persons coming from/going to Airports/Railway stations/ISBTs, officials in the officers of diplomats of various countries as well as persons holding any constitutional post and media were exempted from these restrictions.
Kejriwal earlier, announced that the unlock process will be conducted in a phased manner. So far, construction activities have been given a nod to reopen from Monday.