Actor Salman Khan’s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma has revealed the first look of Salman Khan’s upcoming film ‘Antim: The Ultimate Truth’ and it has sent the web into a tizzy. Aayush shared the teaser on his Instagram profile, in which Khan can be seen in turban.
The video starts with Salman walking towards a vegetable market, subsequently revealing his look. Sharing the teaser, Aayush Sharma, who will co-star with Salman Khan in the film, wrote: “Antim begins… #BhaisAntimFirstLook, #AntimTheFinalTruth.”
The film will be directed by Mahesh Manjrekar, who collaborated with Salman Khan in the past for ‘Dabangg’ series. There are reports that ‘Antim: The Final Truth’ is an adaptation of Marathi crime drama ‘Mulshi Pattern’.
Minutes after Aayush Sharma shared the teaser, it went viral on social media. Several fan clubs dedicated to Salman Khan have been sharing his look as a Sikh man on their respective social media accounts.
Comments on Aayush Sharma’s post reflect how much Salman fans are excited about the film. “Superb look,” commented one user while another wrote: “Salman bhai dashing as always…can’t wait to see the film.”
Salman Khan was last seen in ‘Dabangg 3’.