Mumbai suffered a massive power outage on Monday, due to TATA’s incoming electric supply failure, ANI reported. The blackout brought the city’s suburban train services to a halt.
Several Mumbai residents took to Twitter and expressed their feelings over the rare power outage in Mumbai.
Also Read | Massive power outage in Mumbai, local train services disrupted
“Don’t remember when this happened last at such a large scale in the city,” wrote a user.
“Has this ever happened before?” wondered another user.
Other users had a humorous take on the situation.
“Damn! Now I will have to speak to my wife and children,” tweeted comedian Atul Khatri.
“Ok Devendra it is an electricity power cut in Mumbai not that power. Please don’t get excited and rush to the Governor’s bungalow..,” he said in another tweet.
According to media reports, Mumbai and Navi Mumbai are currently without any power supply. Mumbai Suburban train services have also been disrupted due to grid failure, Central Railways Chief Public Relations Officers (CPRO) said.