Rapper Raftaar on Wednesday said that he has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently under home quarantine. The 31-year-old revealed the news in an Instagram story and said that he had got himself tested, before starting the shoot of the latest season of ‘MTV Roadies’.
He said, “I wanted to give you an update. I had to go for ‘Roadies’ and before that I had to test for COVID-19. Two of my tests were negative, but the result which came today was positive. “BMC has asked me to self-isolate. So I am home quarantining.”
The ‘Bandook Meri Laila’ fame rapper also said that he is hoping the first test result was due to an error.
He said, “I am waiting for next test to happen because I feel it’s a technical error because I’m fit and fine. I don’t feel that I have any illness. I can’t feel any symptoms. But it’s my duty to isolate myself. I’m fit and I will update you about my health. Don’t worry.”