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4 years ago .


  • Giloy is an ayurvedic herb used for various health benefits
  • The stem of Giloy is considered most beneficial because of high nutritional content
  • Giloy is also known as 'Amrita' in Sanskrit, which means ‘the root of immortality’.

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Published: May 07, 2021 06:25:53

Giloy is an ayurvedic herb that has been used in Indian medicines for ages. At a time when the entire nation is fighting the novel coronavirus, here’s a look at the health benefits and immunity boosting qualities of the herb.

Giloy is also known as %u2018Amrita%u2019 in Sanskrit, which means %u2018the root of immortality’. Giloy has various medical properties and the stem is considered most beneficial and effective because of high nutritional content. 

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Giloy, an immunity booster

Giloy is considered the powerhouse of antioxidants that keep your cell healthy and protect from various kinds of diseases. It also helps in removing toxins from your body and fights cold, cough and fever. It also helps in balancing the blood sugar level of the body and is also utilised by experts in treating diabetes, neurological problems and fever.

Giloy, for Chronic fever

As Giloy is an antipyretic herb, it helps in getting rid of recurrent fever. When a person adds Giloy in their daily habit, it helps in boosting immunity to fight against the infections. Regular intake of Giloy is also said to also improve the platelet count.

Giloy, to improve digestion

Giloy also helps in strengthening the digestion system and reduces digestion related problems like diarrhea, vomitting and hyperacidity.

Giloy, for stress and anxiety

Giloy, is an excellent remedy for people suffering from stress and anxiety. Intake of Giloy helps get rid of toxins, enhances your memory and calms your body down.

Giloy, to treat Arthritis

Giloy contains anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating arthritis. It is advisable that, if a person is suffering from joint pain, they should consume Giloy powder with warm milk.

Giloy, to treat Diabetes

Giloy is beneficial in treating diabetes. In Ayurveda, Giloy is also known as %u2018Madhunashini%u2019, which means %u2018destroyer of sugar%u2019. It acts as a hypoglycemic agent and helps in treating diabetes. It is also useful for diabetes complications like ulcers and kidney problems.

Giloy, improves eye-sight

Giloy is said to improve eye-sight. It is applied to the eyes as it help boost vision clarity.

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