American fashion model Gigi Hadid and her boyfriend, singer Zayn Malik were trending on the internet when the mom-to-be shared a cute picture. The photo, featuring herself and Zayn kissing, oozed out love and received appreciation from fans and other celebrities.
“Baby Daddy”, Gigi captioned the picture with a smiling emoticon. See the photo below.
In April this year, the couple confirmed their first pregnancy. In May, Gigi announced the news on Jimmy Fallon’s “The Tonight Show” through a video call.
Gigi and Zayn first started dating in 2015 but split after three years in 2018. However, the couple rekindled their relationship in December 2019 and Gigi by confirmed posting a picture of the former ‘One Direction’ singer in her Instagram stories. The couple was also spotted in New York this January on various occasions.