Anand Ahuja and his wife Sonam Kapoor announced the birth of their first child – a baby boy – on Saturday, August 20. Ahuja, 39, is a renowned fashion entrepreneur. He got married to actress Sonam Kapoor on May 8, 2018. The couple announced their pregnancy in March this year.
Anand Ahuja: Biography and family
Anand Ahuja was born on July 30, 1983 in New Delhi’s posh Jor Bagh locality. Anand’s father Harish Ahuja, 62, is also an entrepreneur, the man behind Shahi Imports. Anand’s mother Priya Ahuja is a homemaker. The businessman has two siblings – Anant Ahuja and Amit Ahuja.
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Anand Ahuja did the better part of his schooling from the American Embassy School in India. He later went on to do a business degree from The Wharton School in Pennsylvania, United States. Ahuja worked for several multinational corporations such as Deutsche Bank, Amazon and Macy’s. He later returned to India to work on his family business.
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Anand Ahuja is a managing director in his father’s company Shahi Imports. He also has his own fashion brand called ‘Bhaane’. Ahuja owns VegNonVeg, which is India’s first multi-brand sneaker store.
Anand Ahuja: Wife
Anand Ahuja, 39, is married to Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor. Sonam Kapoor is the daughter of popular Hindi film actor Anil Kapoor. Sonam was born on June 9, 1985 and is 37 years old. Sonam Kapoor started her acting career with director Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film Saawariya where she shared screen with Ranbir Kapoor.
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Anand Ahuja and Sonam Kapoor were married on May 8, 2018.
Anand Ahuja net worth:
Anand Ahuja’s current net worth is reported to be $650 million, according to Wealth Magnet. Ahuja is the managing director of Shahi Imports, a company founded by his father Harish Ahuja. Shahi Imports is reported to have an annual turnover of $450 million. Anand Ahuja is also the CEO of his fashion brand Bhaane.