Sushant Singh Rajput’s last movie ‘Dil Bechara’ digitally premiered for the whole word on July 24. While the film was special in many ways, it was made more special by ace music composer AR Rahman, who produced the songs of the movie which are trending now.
In a recent incident, a Twitter user urged Rahman to complete one of the songs of ‘Dil Bechara’. He wrote, “@arrahman sir complete the last song of dil bechara movie ( never say goodbye ) #dilbechara #SushantSingRajput.”
In his reply, Rahman said, “Will do, you noticed an unreleased song”.
The composer-singer had recently alleged that a gang had been working against him in Bollywood to deny him work. “I am doing dark movies, because there is a whole gang working against me, without them knowing that they are doing harm,” he said in an interview with Radio Mirchi.
Rahman composed the titular song for Sushant Singh rajput and Sanjana Sanghi starrter ‘Dil Bechara’, which is a Hindi movie adaptation of John Green’s popular novel ‘The Fault In Our Stars’.