Malayalam superstar Mohanlal admitted that despite delivering blockbuster films for the last four decades, he still feels the pressure to be consistent. He attributed the success of his movies like ‘Drishyam’ to the support of a dedicated team. Mohanlal is a big name in the South Indian film industry but he started from scratch as a teenager in the 1970s. However, it was only in the 1980s that he rose to prominence with films like ‘Kireedam’ and ‘Rajavinte Makan’.
Since then, he has delivered series of hit films, including the 1987 comedy ‘Nadodikkattu’, thriller ‘No 20 Madras Mail’ (1990), and action drama ‘Spadikam’ in 1995.
Also Read: Mohanlal-starrer Malayalam thriller ‘Drishyam-2’ trailer released | Watch
Even at 60, he continues to impress cinema lovers with blockbusters like ‘Drishyam’, ‘Odiyan’, ‘Lucifer’.
“As an actor, the pressure to do well is always there. You can’t allow yourself to take things for granted and let arrogance get in the way. Even to bring out a film like ‘Drishyam 2’, you need a minimum of 7-8 years to bring out the best in terms of characters, emotions, and intelligence,” the actor said.
“Our director and our team worked so hard to make it possible. But we had the confidence that even if it takes 10 years to do so, the audience will wait because they know that the result will be good,” Mohanlal, told PTI.
Such was the popularity of the movie that the thriller was remade in several other languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Chinese (Mandarin), and Sinhalese.
The Bollywood remake starred Ajay Devgn as Mohanlal and Tabu as the Inspector General of Police. That became a huge success too.
In Malayalam, the movie has been directed by Jeethu Joseph. The story revolves around Georgekutty(played by Mohanlal) and his family, who face a lot of struggles when the son of the Inspector General of Police is killed.
In the sequel, which follows the life of Georgekutty, who is doing better in life now since the audience had last seen him, he is still haunted by the ghost of his past.
Mohanlal confessed that both he and the director wanted to work on a sequel for a long time but it never materialised until the director came up to him with an idea
“While ‘Drishyam 2’ started rolling in Jeethu’s head, we were clueless about what was happening with the sequel since we didn’t know whether it was even happening or not. But the sequel had to happen, it is a cult film after all. The audience remembers Georgekutty and his family and we had to give them a sequel.”
Mohanlal said that the reason for the universal success of ‘Drishyam’ was in its strength to blend emotions with thrill.
“When we saw the film, we thought it was good but we didn’t know that it would be loved by the fans so much. It took us a month or two to realise that the movie has surpassed all our expectations,” he added.
Also Read: ‘Drishyam 2’: Superstar Mohanlal shares teaser on New Year
‘Drishyam 2’ is set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on February 19. It is produced by Antony Perumbavoor under the banner of Aashirvad Cinemas.
As fan theories uphold the movie and say that it has the potential to become a franchise, Mohanlal does not deny the possibility of a third part of the film.
“Drishyam 2” also stars Meena, Siddique, Sarath, Murali Gopy, Ansiba, Esther, and Saikumar in pivotal roles.