A group of Bajrang Dal members vandalised the sets of upcoming web series ‘Ashram 3’ and threw ink at its director Prakash Jha for ‘humiliating Hindu samaj’, reports ANI.
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Jha was filming for the third season of the web series at the old jail in Bhopal when the Bajrang Dal members reached the set and started ransacking. They even pelted stones injuring some crew members, and searched for actor Bobby Deol, who plays the lead character in the web series.
Soon after the incident, police personnel reached the spot and brought the situation under control. However, no arrest has been made so far.
“Further action will be taken against those responsible. I want to assure everyone that a similar situation will not be repeated again,” said DIG Bhopal, Irshad Wali.
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On the other hand, Bajrang Dal Bhopal leader Sushil Sudele told media, “We want the film industry to be promoted here in Madhya Pradesh. People should get employment, but this land should not be used to humiliate Hindu samaj.”
“In the earlier installment of the series it was shown that women are exploited inside Ashram, is it so? Stop defaming Hindus and if he wants to gain popularity then why not name any other religion and see the number of protests that happen.”
“We have given only a warning for now and Prakash Raj has said that he is in talks to change the show’s title,” he added.
Sudela also wants the show’s name to be changed.
“I repeat the show’s name will have to be changed from ‘Ashram’ or won’t be filmed here in Bhopal,” he said.