On day five of Bigg Boss 14, Nikki Tamboli clinched immunity for the week, and the relationship between Rahul Vaidya and Pavitra Punia took a turn for the worse. Day five on Bigg Boss started with ‘loads of fun, masti and nok-jhok.”
In the first task of the day, the ladies in the house were called upon to impress fellow participant Sidharth Shukla, an actor and model. The four contestants vying for Sidharth’s undivulged attention were Nikki Tamboli, Rubina Dilaik, Pavitra Punia and Jasmin Bhasin.
The contestants had to woo Sidharth in order to attain immunity in the Bigg Boss house and they left no stone unturned. Sidharth decided to play along with this elaborate ruse while other contestants cheered the performers from the sidelines.
Abhinav Shukla, who decided to choose immunity over wife Rubina on day four, cheered the performance of his wife on day five.
Jaan Kumar Sanu and Eijaz Khan, also grooved to the tunes and were seen enjoying the performances put on by the girls.
Hina Khan and Gauahar Khan cheered from the sidelines, “hooting for the girls.”
Also Read: Bigg Boss 14: Abhinav Shukla chooses immunity over wife Rubina Dilaik
In the second task of the evening, the ladies in the house were furnished with the duty of protecting their drinks. Rubina Dilaik crashed out early with Nikki Tamboli following her. Tamboli’s glass was dislodged by Shehzad Doel.
In a chain reaction, Tambaoli then lashed out at Pavitra Punia forcing her to drop her glass, who then ensured Jasmin Bhasin’s exit by distracting her.
Shehzad Doel’s action forced Sidharth Shukla to unload on the Punjabi actor.
Following interruptions in the second task, Tamboli was adjudged the winner, ergo she won her immunity for the week.
During the day, Sidharth returned favours to contestants who wooed him earlier and helped the girls to get inked. While Sara opted to ink a rose tattoo, Nikki Tamboli preferred a scorpion.
From steamy dances to breakfast in the house, the contestants then set about to diss each other over their culinary skills and eating habits.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 14: Siddharth Shukla trumps Gauhar Khan in jewel thief task
By the end of the show, Rahul Vaidya and Pavitra Punia’s relationship had taken a turn for the worst as chaos descended on the house. The two contestants launched into a screaming fest over cooking, cleaning the washroom and with Vaidya finally accusing Punia of “dadagiri.”