Bollywood actor Ajaz Khan was, on Tuesday, detained by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) from Mumbai airport. However, the reason behind his detention is still not ascertained. Ajaz had participated in the Salman Khan-hosted reality show ‘Bigg Boss’ season 7 as a wild card entry.
According to media reports, Ajaz, one of the most infamous celebrities to have participated in the reality show, was reportedly named by Shadab Batata, a drug peddler, during a police interrogation.
This is not the first time that the Bigg Boss was held. Last year, he was arrested for posting an objectional post on Facebook. He was booked under section 153A. Before this, the ‘Rakta Charitra’ actor was held in Mumbai in 2018 in a drug-related case. Reportedly, he was found with possession of 8 tablets of Ecstasy, worth Rs 2.2 lakh.
The actor has acted in Rakta Charitra, Bhondu, Allah Ke Banday, Rakta Charitra 2, Hai Tujhe Salam India, Bbuddah Hoga Terra Baap, Singham Returns, Allah Ke Bande, among others.