Bollywood actor Bipasha Basu is set to make a comeback on the big screen after five years of being “lazy.” In a recent interview, the 43-year-old said that she plans to “return to work in 2022 and do something interesting.”
“I have actually been lazy and not open to work in the last few years. But the plan is to return to work in 2022 and do something interesting. I hope I can make announcements very soon,” she told Hindustan Times.
The ‘Alone’ actor also shared her paranoia during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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“All I wanted was to be very careful for my entire family, to the point that I would call myself paranoid in the first year. Anyway, I am not so much of a person who likes to go out and party a lot. I have a small group of friends and I like to meet my family,” she said.
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Basu added, “I didn’t know where the world was heading, because the virus forced everyone to stay at home. Everything was so unpredictable at that point, something none of us had ever experienced. I went through a lot of emotions, and then started living day by day, enjoying the simple things and every minute with my partner. 2021 brought hope, things changed.”
After taking a break from acting, Basu is set to undertake new cinematic projects.
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“I am completely gung-ho about doing a lot of work. I have started taking up events, otherwise I was quite closed down to doing any kind of shooting,” she concluded.
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While Basu hasn’t featured on the big screen in quite some time, the actor often shares snippets of her life on her Instagram handle through photos and videos.
She last starred in ‘Dangerous’, a web series released in 2020.