The trailer for Cars on the Road, a spinoff series of the three-movie Cars franchise, has been released by Pixar, the Disney-owned animation studio. The series will see Owen Wilson reprise his role of Lightning McQueen, the anthropomorphic car who is also the protagonist of the film series. Stand-up comedian Larry the Cable Guy (Daniel Lawrence Whitney) who played Mater in the films, and Bonnie Hunt as Sally Carrera will also be back in Cars on the Road.
Have a look at the trailer here:
The series will follow Lightning and Mater as they go on a cross-country trip from Radiator Springs in order to meet up with the latter’s sister. Their journey, the predicaments they face along the trip, and how or if they manage to reach their destination will form the crux of the narrative of Cars on the Road.
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While Steve Purcell has penned all the episodes, directing credits for the series will be shared by Purcell (episodes one, two, and eight), Bobby Podesta (episodes five, six, and nine) and Brian Fee (episodes three, four, and seven). Composer Jake Monaco, who had earlier worked on the Gal Godot-starrer Keeping Up With The Joneses, has scored the music for all nine episodes.
Cars is a multi-billion dollar franchise which has been successfully wooing audiences from 2006. Interestingly, Lightning McQueen, the lead character whom Wilson has voiced in all the films and shows till date, is based on sportsmen like Muhammad Ali, Charles Barkley, and Joe Namath.
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Release date
Disney has announced September 8, 2022 as the release date for Cars on the Road.
Other shows from the franchise
Notably, Cars on the Road is not the first series from the franchise where Lighting and Mater have teamed up. Disney had also released a series of short animated films called Car Toons: Mater’s Tall Tales from 2008 to 2012, and Cars Toons: Tales from Radiator Springs, from 2013 to 2014.