Cinema halls across India will finally reopen on October 15, after seven months of shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While making the announcement on Tuesday, Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar also announced several guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs) that the cinema halls will have to follow.
“Cinema halls are shut for last seven months. They are now opening from October 15. For safety of people, we have come out with SOP to be followed,” Javadekar said.
Javadekar said that the cinema halls will be allowed to function only at 50% capacity and ensure one-seat distance between the viewers. He also said that viewers will be required to wear masks at all times.
Briefing the press at his residence, the Union minister also said that online booking of tickets will be encouraged but box office will be open for single-screen theatres.
“In single screen theatres, ticket counters will be opened. However, we encourage online booking for contact-less transactions. Proper ventilation has to be ensured and temperature setting of all air conditioning should be above 23 degree Celsius,” he said.
The Ministry of Home Affairs had in its unlock guidelines issued on September 30 allowed reopening of cinema halls from October 15.