Deepika Singh Goyal, a TV actor who is known for her role in %u2018Diya aur Baati Hum%u2019, was slammed for dancing in the rain next to uprooted trees. The cyclonic storm Tauktae claimed three lives and left 10 others injured in Mumbai over the last 24 hours when it passed close to the city coast, while five persons were killed in Thane and Palghar districts of Maharashtra in various incidents related to the cyclone.
Also Read: Cyclone Tauktae: Navy rescues 146 people from barge that went adrift
Deepika posted a video on her Instagram, where she could be seen celebrating the rains amid uprooted trees. She posted a video with a caption, %u201CBola tha na life isn%u2019t about waiting for the storm to pass, it%u2019s learning to dance in rain.%u201D
She also shared a few photos and wrote, %u201CYou can%u2019t calm the storm so stop trying, calm yourself, embrace nature%u2026%u201D
As soon as she posted the video and pictures, social media users called her out. Few users wrote, %u201CDon%u2019t promote these types of videos…it was not good to be outside.%u201D Others added, “People are dying in cyclone…people like you enjoying it..what a shame.%u201D
Also Read: Cyclone Tauktae weakens after making landfall on Gujarat coast: 10 updates
Deepika Singh Goyal rose to fame from the daily soap, %u2018Diya aur Baati Hum%u2019 and is married to Rohit Raj Goyal.