Hollywood actor Robert Pattinson was allegedly pushed to his ‘breaking point’ after the director of the upcoming Batman movie demanded multiple retakes to produce a perfect shot. The multiple retakes allegedly left the actor and the cast drained, reported the Sun.

According to media reports, the Batman actor had to give more than 50 retakes, wearing his heavy Batman suit.

“Filming has been a gruelling
process, especially for Robert (Pattinson), as Matt (Reeves) is such a
perfectionist. He’ll insist on doing scenes over and over again and get bogged
down in the tiny detail. Some­times it’s like he doesn’t know when to stop,” the Sun quoted a source close to the film as saying.

According to the source, there is a
huge pressure on Reeves to bring out the best from the movie as it is a
big-budget drama.

Also read: New set photos suggest ‘Superman’, ‘Wonder Woman’ exist in ‘The Batman’ universe

The source also revealed that “Robert
has had a tough time on these franchise movies before. He hated Twilight by the
time it wrapped, and the last thing anyone wants is for him to become jaded”.

Ever since, the news of Pattinson’s role as the next batman had been announced, his fans are expecting a lot from

However, the shooting of the movie was
delayed several times due to the coronavirus pandemic which had affected the film
release. Now, “The Batman” will release on March 4, 2022.