Bollywood actor Jhanvi Kapoor on Friday shared an emotional birthday post for her mother and veteran actor Sridevi on her 58th birth anniversary. Taking to Instagram, the Dhadak actor wrote, “Happy birthday Mumma. I miss you. Everything is for you, always, every day. I love you.”
Jhanvi also attached a childhood picture of herself with her mother Sridevi. See the post.
The post was heavily liked and flooded with comments as fans and fellow celebrities from the film industry paid tribute to the iconic star.
Also Read: Sridevi’s native village Meenampatti remembers her as child who spread smiles
Jhanvi Kapoor’s aunt Maheep Kapoor and cousin Shanaya Kapoor dropped heart emojis on the comment section to express their love for the late actor.
Born as Shree Amma Yanger Ayyapan in 1963 Sridevi was known for her legendary roles in hindi movies like ‘Chandni’, ‘Lamhe’, ‘Mr India’, ‘Chaalbaaz’, ‘Nagina’, ‘Sadma’ and ‘English Vinglish’ among many more. She was hailed as the Chandni of Bollywood owing to her enthralling beauty.
The superstar Sridevi died three years ago in a hotel in Dubai allegedly drowning in the bathtub while taking a bath. Sridevi reportedly went to Dubai to attend a wedding with her family.
The late actor was married to famous director and actor Anil Kapoor’s elder brother Boney Kapoor. She was the mother of two daughters- Jhanvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor.
Jhanvi Kapoor is also an actor who made her debut with “Dhadak” in 2018 soon after her mother’s death. She will next be seen in Aanand L Rai-produced “Good Luck Jerry” and “Dostana 2”, backed by Karan Johar.
Janhvi Kapoor was supposed to make her debut when her mother passed away, leaving the family in a deep shock. The young actor earlier revealed that her mother was heavily invested in her life and her career. Her sudden death left the family in a state of distress and they found it hard to cope.