Actor Sushant Singh Rajput would have turned 35 on January 21, a day that marks his first birth anniversary post his sudden death in 2020. The actor’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti took to her Instagram account to announce a memorial fund named after her ‘little brother’ in UC Berkeley.
“I am happy to announce that on 35th Birthday of Bhai, a step has been taken towards fulfilling one of his dreams. The Sushant Singh Rajput Memorial Fund of $35,000 has been set up in UC Berkeley. Anyone who is interested in pursuing Astrophysics at UC Berkeley can apply for this fund. Grateful to the Angels who made it possible. Happy Birthday my little Brother, I hope you always stay happy wherever you are! Love You ❤️#SushantDay,” she posted on Instagram.
The actor was a die hard fan of science and physics. Infact, he quit his engineering course at the Delhi College to pursue his acting career.
Along with her post, Shweta also shared a screen-shot of Sushant’s old social media post in which he dreamt “to create an environment where kids of India and elsewhere get free, improved and relevant education.”
With a career spanning over 12 years in the entertainment industry, Rajput is the recipient of a screen award for his contribution to the film industry.
The actor was found dead in his Mumbai flat on June 14. Currently, three investigating agencies- CBI, NCB and ED are interrogating the death case.