Superstar Rajinikanth has shared a video message for veteran playback singer SP Balasubrahmanyam, who is currently admitted at a Chennai hospital for treatment of COVID-19
Wishing the 74-year-old singer a speedy recovery, the ‘Robot’ actor posted a video on Twitter. “For more than 50 years, respected S P Balasubrahmanyam sang in several Indian languages and brought joy to crores of people through his pleasant voice. The singer, who was being treated for COVID has crossed the critical phase,” Rajinikanth said.
“When I heard that he has crossed the critical phase, I was very happy. I pray to the Almighty for speedy recovery of Balasubrahmanyam who is still in intensive care. Thanks,” he added.
On Friday evening, MGM hospital, where Balasubrahmanyam is receiving treatment, released a statement saying that the singer’s condition was critical. “There has been a setback in the health of Playback Singer SP Balasubrahmanyam who had been admitted at MGM Healthcare for symptoms of COVID since 5th August”, the hospital’s Healthcare Assistant Director of Medical Services Dr Anuradha Baskaran said.
His condition became stable on Sunday, according to the singer’s son Charan.
However, on Monday, a bulletin issued by Baskaran said, “His condition remains to be critical. The expert medical team treating him is closely monitoring his vital parameters.”
The singer, who holds a Guiness Book of World Records mention for singing over 40,000 songs, was admitted to MGM Healthcare in Chennai after he tested positive for coronavirus.