Christmas is right around the corner! And with it come matching pyjama sets in bright, vibrant colours. A stay-at-home lockdown is not a reason big enough to dampen your holiday spirits. So to give you some inspiration, here are pictures of a few Hollywood celebrities who did not let 2020 deter them in having their way with the Christmas!

1. Kylie Jenner

Picture credits: Instagram/@kyliejenner

Kylie and Stormi are definitely the cutest! With matching green pyjamas, watching their videos is truly cuteness overload.

2. Jessica Alba

Picture credits: Instagram/@jessicaalba

“I’m so grateful for the quality time I’ve spent with the fam,” the ‘Fantastic Four’ star wrote on her Instagram. The holiday card she posted is surely an inspiration to all of us, as spending time with friends and family is one of the key elements of the holidays.

3. Leslie Odom Jr.

Picture credits: Instagram/@leslieodomjr

The ‘Hamilton’ star recently posted a picture of his family in matching pyjamas. Complete with glittery ornaments and a tree in the background, this picture definitely puts us in the holiday spirit.

4. Brie Bella

Picture credits: Instagram/@thebriebella

“We honestly could not pick which PJ style (out of 20!) we loved most,” the ‘Total Bellas’ star wrote. We definitely love reindeer set they’re wearing. 

5. Mario Lopez

Picture credits: Instagram/@mariolopez

“The Lopez Fam Bam are ready for the holidays,” the ‘Saved By the Bell’ star wrote. The pyjama sets are certainly adorable, but so are the Santa Claus slippers. We can’t wait to get our hands on these!

6. Jessica Hall

Picture credits: Instagram/@iamjessicahall

“Even though I love to poke fun at his fantastic outfit choices, our love is deep and it always will be,” the TV personality wrote on her Instagram page. This picture just captures what all of us know to be true; there is nothing better than the company of your loved ones!